Greens - a brand of the D'Arta family company founded in Belgium in 1988. After many years of operation, it has become a world-renowned brand in the development, processing and export of frozen vegetables, fruits, herbs and ready-made vegetables. and their mixtures (side dishes). More than 70% of the green ingredients are purchased from local farmers close to the factories. That is why D'Arta factories are located in the best agricultural regions of Europe.

1. Quality from farm to fork - in cooperation with more than 600 farmers, long-term relationships are fostered, based on mutual trust, respect and transparency. D'Arta's team of agronomists advises growers on all aspects of the growing process.

2. Technology - the factories are equipped with advanced production equipment, with constant investment in new technologies, machines and processes. As a result, production capacities meet the needs of a rapidly growing market, and sophisticated production lines: cutting, mixing, seasoning, grilling and packaging allow for the highest results.

3. Innovation – The idea of ​​Greens products is nutritious products that can be prepared from freezer to table in just a few minutes. Whether it is a simple mono-product or a more complex recipe with various ingredients, the most suitable solutions are constantly being sought, taking into account the ever-growing needs of end consumers.

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